On Friday we had our 20 week(well, actually 18 1/2 week) ultrasound to check the baby. I can honestly hardly believe that I am already that far along. Eric and I went into the room first without the kids while Gma B. waited outside in the waiting room. The first thing that the dr. did was to ask what our votes were for the sex of the baby...since we knew that we wanted to find out this time. Eric's vote was for a girl & mine for a boy. He right away went to that area & asked us if we knew what we were looking at. I of course couldn't tell. :) Then he showed us the anatomy & it is a boy!!! I exclaimed "Yes!!" The dr. responded with "now that's a reaction I love to hear!".
Right after that the kids were able to come into the room to see the baby on the tv screen. When the dr. told the kids that it was a boy Cayden was soooo excited!!! He wanted so badly to have another boy in the house to even it out. It was fun to see the kids pointing out the different parts on the baby. Cayden especially was amazed at seeing the heart beating, hands, fingers, feet, spine, etc. He was really in awe of it all and kept exclaiming "cool!". Kamryn was even able to pick out the baby's eyes & hands on the screen.
Even though this is our fourth child and we've been through this 20 week ultrasound check 4 times now...Eric and I were discussing afterwords how absolutely amazing it is each and every time. To be able to see our baby moving all around inside of me is awesome & amazing. With every one of my children I have cried as soon as the dr. puts the baby's pictures up on the screen. I thank God for this precious little baby growing inside of me and know that he has created another miracle.
Throughout the ultrasound the dr. kept chuckling softly because he was having a hard time measuring everything on the baby because he was moving around so much. He asked if any of our other kids were this active. I do remember Kamryn being very active inside of me...and that has continued to this day as a matter of fact!!
So...we are all so very excited to have another boy in our family in a couple months!!
Here are a couple pictures of our baby boy. Just for reference...the first picture shows that it is really a boy in the middle section, :) and the long part is his leg. That's just in case anyone would get the 2 confused. Although in my defense...the dr. did say several times that there is no mistaking that this is a boy!! :) :)