Monday, March 29, 2010


So 2 weeks ago today I made a huge decision for me.....I decided to completely stop Facebook for an entire week. There were a lot of things that went into my decision...but I guess I finally realized how much it was actually taking away from my real relationships. Don't get me wrong...I like the idea of Facebook...of catching up with people from long time ago, keeping in touch & meeting new people, & it's great to stay updated with Moms from school & church. I love that part of it. What I realized though was how much time I actually spent wasting valuable time. I swear I could spend hours on there & not even know what I did, and the checking of Facebook during the day was also getting out of hand.

So...I stopped Facebook completely for an entire week & didn't miss it one little bit. I found myself spending more time with the kids, going on walks, doing home projects, etc. And at night I had more quality time with my hubby, instead of spending hours holed up on my laptop. So a couple days ago was the first time I got back on facebook. And I only was on for 5 minutes. I think I will make a new plan for myself...maybe set a time limit of 10 minutes a couple times a week. I have to think about that one yet. That doesn't mean that I will never post updates or pictures or contact people through Facebook...but it does mean that I am putting it on the back burner & instead putting my energy into my family & friendships.

Sunday, March 28, 2010


So my baby turned 1 year old just 2 weeks ago. I can hardly believe it. The night before his birthday I laid in bed & vividly recalled the night before I gave birth to my baby boy. I remembered how I got absolutely no sleep the night before...thinking about what was to come. We had to be at the hospital at around 3 or 4 am to be induced...and I didn't sleep one little bit before that. I have to admit that I worried a lot when I was pregnant with all of my babies. I think a lot of it had to do with the fact that I had a miscarriage with our first baby more than 8 years ago. But with Brecken's pregnancy I was worried mostly b/c I felt like we already had 3 beautiful, healthy children why would we ever have a 4th beautiful, healthy child?? It sounds silly I know...and I did put my trust in God to a certain point...but then the worry fears would tend to take over. I know that no amount of worries will change anything...but for some reason I just couldn't stop myself when it came to my child.

I can remember the few moment so relief after Brecken was born. After I looked at his 10 fingers & 10 toes...every perfect little piece & part of him. And then after the nurses checked him all over & laid him back on my chest again I sobbed & sobbed & sobbed tears of relief. I cried all of those months of worry away. He was so beautiful. So precious. And I was holding in my arms. Finally. God is good. God is great! I hope I never, ever forget those moments after all of my babies were born.

I was preparing myself for a lot of mixed emotions on Brecken's birthday. I had joked for weeks before it that he wasn't allowed to turn 1. I wanted to celebrate my baby boy but I knew that it was going to be hard for me as well. Difficult for many reasons. I knew that I would never celebrate another 1 year bday...that this would be the last. I absolutely love the baby stage. I love cuddling & kissing & holding my babies. If I could I would do that all day long. I knew that I would never have that with one of my own again. So many lasts. My wonderful hubby even bought me flowers & a beautiful card on Brecken's bday...simply b/c he knew what that day meant to me.

Surprisingly the day was not as difficult as I had expected. It was an extremely busy day filled with lots of other appnt's & such. So I didn't have time to dwell on things. The kids were so excited to celebrate their little brother's bday. It was soooo cute. Addyson told her teacher a number of times that her baby brother was turning 1. All 3 kids made cute cards for him on their own. They were so excited on the day of his bday!! We had our traditional donuts for breakfast & decorated his high chair before the kids left for school in the morning. We all sang to him & watched with delight while he put down an entired donut & then some! We had so much fun. The next night we celebrated with just our family at night with birthday cake & some presents.

It was a great day of celebrating our baby boy. And I'm so glad that instead of sadness I experienced great joy. I still cannot believe to this day that we almost did not have a 4th child. We didn't plan on getting pregnant again. I knew I couldn't go through another pregnancy. I can still remember our complete & utter denial when I finally took a pregnancy test. All the "signs" were there that I was pregnant...but I was still convinced that it could not be. After I took the test & walked into the bedroom with it & looked at Eric...we looked at each other for what seemed like an eternity. I was so scared. Scared I couldn't handle another pregnancy both physically & mentally. Scared for the toll it would take on my husband, my other kids, & me. Just plain scared. I think we were in total denial for what seemed like months. But God had another plan for our family...and I'm so glad that He did! Brecken is such an incredible joy. Happy beyond belief & full of life. And he is so loved by his siblings. Sometimes a little too much by his sisters...but loved. :) I love kissing his soft head. I love cuddling him in the few moments when he actually lets me. I love listening to him belly laugh. I love even when he gets into things constantly. I love that he adores each one of his siblings. I love this little boy & I am so thankful that God decided to place him into our family!!!

So let me tell you a little bit about my baby boy at the age of 1:

at his 1 year appn't he was a big boy to say the least. The dr. said "that's about as big a 1 year old as you're going to get". He weighed 27 lbs 12 oz (96%) & 32 inches (96%). He's huge. He was in 2t clothing even before he turned 1. I'm pretty sure that he will eventually surpass Kamryn in both weight & height.

he is always on the go!! I have to keep all the doors to our bedrooms & bathroom closed at all times. And if one of those doors gets left open for some reason it's like he has a radar that tells him such...he then belines for the open door as fast as his little legs will take him, breathing loudly the entire way.

he loves, loves, loves his bath & always has. Several times he has gotten into the bathroom & been so excited to get into the tub that he hurls himself in headfirst without any thought. And this doesn't phase him one little bit. In fact, he likes it. Once he gets in the tub he instantly begins to splash with all his might. All of my other kids & have loved the bathtime process. Usually so relaxing...I would just sit on the toilet & watch while they played quietly splashing in the tub for the longest time. Brecken on the other hand it is a real chore b/c he is so spastic. He crawls all around the tub, bumping his head, pulling the drain, pulling everything off the shelves, standing up, trying to crawl out, falling under the water. It is comical...but not the relaxing time I had envisioned. :)

he loves to get into anything & everything. Always manages to find & spill Sadie's water bowl. Always. In fact now the first thing we do in the morning is move her bowl to the counter so it's out of reach. He finds every little tiny object & puts it into his mouth before you even realize he's doing it. He's quick! If the dishwasher or refrigerator is open he tries to climb into them & removes everything that is in them. He's busy to say the least.

he is extremely ticklish. Under his arms, inside his legs, under his chin. I love to tickle him & hear his wonderful belly laugh. That is THE best sound in the world.

He took his first steps before he turned 1...but just officially started walking right after his first bday. He likes to walk everywhere, but still has to figure out how to stand up in the middle of the room away from furniture. Although he is really, really close. He is fast already.

He falls ALL the time. I mean All the time. And it doesn't phase him one little bit. He just gets right back up & carries on. He rarely cries unless he is really hurt. He always has new bumps, bruises, cuts...some of them I'm not even aware of how he get them.

He is a happy baby. He hardly ever cries. Really. He just goes with the flow of our family. Naps when we put him down & frequently has to be woken up from a sound sleep to go pick up one of the other kids from school.

He is still taking 2 naps. 1 in the am around 9-9:30 ish & sleeps until I wake him at 11:00 to pick up Addyson from school. He takes another nap in the afternoon around 2:00 which varies in lenth...sometimes till 4 or 5:00. He is then down by 7 or 7:30 & sleeps all night long. He is a really great sleeper thank goodness. :)

We switched him to vitamin D milk a couple days after his first bday. Soooooo much cheaper!! more expensive formula....ever again. $25 for 1 can per week. Yuck. He took the milk with no problems. He is still on 3 bottles per day, but I am slowly weaning out the afternoon bottle. Slowly. I have no intention of getting rid of the pm bottle anytime's the only time he cuddles & I'm not ready to give that up. I think Eric worries that I never will be....since I didn't get rid of Kami's pm bottle until she was 19 months old. :)

He waves bye bye, does "so big", plays peek a boo, blows kisses, opens his mouth & gives people kisses all the time, loves to wrestle & climb, says "dada" "baba" "mama" sometimes "sissy" we think. Makes a growling sound for dog. He claps his hands & dances & sways every time he hears music.

He loves balls of any kind. He can already throw with gusto & loves to play catch. He was kicking a soccer ball even before he was completely walking. And really well too. He loves to put the basketball in the hoop.

He is currently getting in his 1 year molars....and not liking it one little bit. We noticed that he wasn't eating as well or as much the last couple weeks. Which is not like him at all. We managed to look into his mouth & found that he has a really horrible blood blister on his gums where one of his molars is poking through. He had this before when he was younger, and the dr. said it is extremely painful. Poor guy.

At 11 months he had tubes put into his ears. Since then he hasn't had a single ear infection. I hated putting him under for that procedure...oh, the night before was horrible. Oh what a helpless feeling. But...once he was under the procedure literally took only 6 minutes. I couldn't believe it!!! And after taking a nap at home he was back to normal fact I'm convinced he had even more energy than before. :)

He loves playing with other kids. He's a big brute though & doesn't know his own strength. :)

He has the biggest dimples you ever did see & they are adorable. He has curly hair coming in in the back, more than the top. His sisters love to feel his soft hair in back...all the time. :) He has greenish eyes which have changed the fastest of any of the kids. Maybe they will be brown??? If he ends up with brown eyes...each of our kids will have a different eye color.

He loves to be where the action is.

I love his chubby knees & legs. :)

That is my boy at 1 year old. If I think of more later I will write. Happy Birthday Breckie Boy!

Sunday, February 14, 2010


Life seems to have been a complete blur since the calendar changed from 2009 to 2010. Our family was very blessed to have been sick free from fall until the New Year...but then January hit & it all went downhill from there. Sicknesses ran rampant in our home for weeks on end. This past week things seemed to finally slow down a little bit...I was only into the dr. once for an ear infxn for Brecken.

Kamryn has definitely been the sickest of all the kids this winter. She gets hit the hardest whenever she picks up an illness. 2 weeks ago she came down with another horrible cough...only 1 week after she had a cough & then an ear infxn. One night she literally coughed from 7pm until 1am straight. We tried absolutely everything to relieve the cough...vicks on her feet, steamy showers, vicks on her chest, honey, benadryl, dehumidifier, sitting straight up, sitting by us...nothing worked. She was coughing so hard & so much that she would throw up every time she coughed. She threw up that night about 5-6 times. And she is such a tough little cookie. She just coughs, walks over to the toilet to throw up, & asks me to wipe her mouth afterword. She never cries & never complains, & usually gives us a smile too if you can believe it. But that night I felt so very terrible for her since she had just been so sick just the week before. We were in the steamy bathroom for the second time that night & I just looked at her & said "I'm so sorry that you're sick again, Kami. Oh how I wish you didn't have another cough." She just looked at me, her bottom lip jutted out, & she started sobbing & sobbing. I took her in my arms & just rocked & rocked her as we both sat on the toilet sobbing. Oh how my heart just broke for her that night. I just wanted to take that stinkin cough & give it to myself instead. A couple minutes later Eric walked in to find us both crying & he started to tear up as well. He just held her & rocked her as I gathered myself together. What a helpless feeling that is. My heart just ached for her. Eric ended up turning on a Barbie movie in our room & just sat with her to help take her mind off of coughing. She finally, finally fell asleep around 1 am.

And just when I think that one of the kids is getting better another one comes down with something else. Some days it is soooo depressing to be stuck in the house with sick kiddos & not going anywhere except to the dr. or the pharmacy. And then when they do get healthy I'm afraid that they're going to pick up something new! Eric laughs sometimes b/c my favorite saying these days is that if someone else gets sick "I'm going to LOSE it!". And somedays that is not at all far from the truth!! I can handle a lot...but somedays it just overwhelms me & I just want to run away from it all. But i don't. :)

And right now I am enjoying the moments when I don't hear anyone coughing or sneezing or crying or throwing up. Moments when every one of my kiddos are sleeping peacefully in their beds. I love checking in on them before I go to bed at night. I love to see how each one of them their own unique ways. Cayden on his back with his mouth wide open & sprawled all over his bed, Addyson all curled up usually with her head buried by her pillow & tons of stuffed animals, Kamryn laying on her side with her green bear, & Breckie laying on his tummy with his buns way up in the air. They are miracles. Precious miracles. I do not know when the coughing or the crying will begin again...but I am enjoying the calm between the storms. Or maybe if I'm really lucky it will be a really long calm this time.

Sometime when it's not so late I will post my dr trips & everybody's sicknesses during the month of January. I actually just wrote it all down last week so that in 20 years I can look back at all of this craziness & wonder how I managed to survive. :)

Soon too I will write about my Breckie boy...who just turned 11 months old a couple days agao. Today he took his first couple steps. He was so proud. And his sisters were equally as proud!

Sunday, December 20, 2009

9 Months Old

It's been long overdue that I make some updates on this I will start with Brecken at 9 months old. I really miss being able to write about life on my blog...and I do have to admit that facebook has taken a front seat to blogging. Mostly b/c it doesn't take very long to update my status...whereas I have to actually think to write on my blog! So it's a lazy Sunday afternoon & at the moment I actually have the desire to I will go with it!

To my Breckie Boy:

You are 9 months old & I can hardly even believe it. I took you into your 9 month dr. appn't on Friday & when I was checking out I booked your 1 year dr. appn't for March. I absolutely cannot believe that I am even thinking about the fact that you will turn 1 in 3 short months. It seems like you were just born yesterday. It seems like we just found out(with the shock of our lives) that we were pregnant with our 4th child. It seems like you should only still be a newborn. I don't want to even believe that you are my last baby. You are already doing so many things so quickly...somedays I want you to just sit still & snuggle with me. You are a sweet little blessing & I cannot imagine our family without you in it.

You are a big say the least. It is so hard to carry you around during the day. At your 9 month appn't you weighed in at 23 1/2 lbs 87 % & 29 3/4 inches 89 %. You are 2 full lbs bigger than your brother at this age...which puts you at the heaviest of all of our kiddos. Even Daddy is constantly complaining of how heavy you are! You are in mostly 12-18 month or 18-24 month clothing.

You still eat a lot!! Shortly before your 8 month birthday I stopped nursing you. You now drink 3 8oz bottles per day. One in the morning, before nap, & before bed. You still suck down every single bottle & have never not finished a bottle. In fact, most times you act like you could eat more!

You are now on all table foods & you love it! We ended the baby foods about 1 week or so ago. I cannot believe how much food you eat for a 9 month old! You typically eat yogurt or a banana for breakfast. This week I tried a waffle for the first time & you ate the entire thing! You usually also have a handful of Cheerios as well. For lunch you will eat an entire grilled cheese sandwich & some veggies. For supper you pretty much have whatever we are eating. You also LOVE applesauce...which is good in our house! You are pretty picky on new textures...although once you get over the first feel of a new food on your will usually eat it. If you do NOT like something you will certainly let us know...& will even gag on it if you REALLY don't like it! You are able to let us know when you are full, as you won't let another bite enter your mouth. As the dr. said at your appn't...he doesn't get to being 90th% by eating small meals!!!!

You started officially crawling all over a couple days before a little over 8 months old. You only gave us a few days of staying put in the living room before you were all over the house. Into the dog bowls, finding little fuzzies all over, etc. Our lives changed a lot the day you started to be mobile!! You now crawl REALLY fast throughtout the house & keep us very busy!!

You have been pulling up for awhile too...Mommy forgets at the moment when the first time was! That is a whole new challenge as well!! But fun! You are so content to go all over the house crawling & pulling up are very content & happy.

You love to walk holding onto our hands. And last week you walked along the couch to get to the remote. It won't be too long before you are walking all over the place. I'm content though that you aren't!

You still LOVE taking a bath at night!! If you even hear the faucet turn on in the bathtub you crawl from wherever you are into the bathroom to try to get into the tub. And you get soooo excited! I have to admit that Daddy almost always gives you a bath. You move all over the tub, splash, & love to "swim". You almost always take 1 digger in the tub b/c you are so excited!

I love your chubby chubby roly poly legs & tummy. And your dimples are the best! You are so quick to smile & laugh. Although if there is somebody new you check them out first with a serious face before you will give them a smile.

You have the best deep laugh. You especially laugh when we tickle are sooo ticklish! I never tire of hearing your precious laugh.

You learned to clap your hands about a month ago or so. You dance whenever music comes on with a big smile on your face. You love us to do the Indian call over your mouth & now you can do it on your own too. You give us kisses. You repeat us all the time. You say mammamama dadadada bababbaba.

Your nap schedule isn't very consistent simply b/c you have to go with the flow of the rest of the family. But you typically take 2 naps per in the morning & one in the afternoon. Sometimes they are really short & sometimes they are really long. You usually go to bed around 7 or 7:30 pm & wake up between 6 am & 7 am. And once you are awake in the am you are awake...there is no snuggling with you to convince you to go back to sleep.

You now have 8 teeth...4 on top & 4 on bottom. Your 4th on top is just poked through.

You are very loved & get a lot of attention from this family!! Your sissies especially give you a lot of love...sometimes more than you desire. If you are feeling smothered you simply push them away or let out a howl. We can already tell that you won't take any bunk from anyone. :)

You take a pacifier to sleep at naps & bedtime...but I don't really give it to you during the day. Daddy is quicker to give it to you when he's around. :)

You are sleeping through the night. You went through a phase in October when you were waking up at night...but then we found out that you had an ear infxn. Since then you've been fine. If you do wake up we let you cry for a couple minutes & you always fall back to sleep. We haven't ever given you a bottle in the middle of the night...we know you certainly don't need it & we don't want to create any bad habits.

You love your Mommy & Daddy. It's so sweet to see you light up when your Daddy comes home from work. You crawl right over to him so he'll pick you right up. And he always does. :)

You continue to be on the go at all times. Even when we pick you up you are pushing to get away & get down. You have a bad habit of pulling my hair & trying to suck my face at the same time. And you REALLY grab my usually comes out in a big clump. I think you think this is funny & gets a funny reaction from me...but ow does it hurt! When you are getting hungry or your teeth are hurting you start to suck on my face and sometimes even chew.

You are a blessing little boy & we love you!!! Happy 9 month birthday!

Monday, September 28, 2009

6 months old

I have about 10 minutes(hopefully) while Brecken & Kami are napping, Addyson is on quiet time, & before Cayden arrives home from school. My days seem to fly by...sometimes with a lot accomplished & sometimes with absolutely nothing accomplished! But...before Breckie turns 7 months old I am going to record some memories to cherish of my precious baby boy.

you are currently taking really good naps most days... 1 big nap in the am & 1 big nap in the pm. The last couple days I have started putting you in your pak n' play for naps instead of the swing & you have done really well. I am anxious to give the swing back to your auntie Kim so I can get it out of our bedroom! Previous to these long naps you were taking only 30 minute naps all day long. It was soooo frustrating for me & made for a very tiring day! Now that you are sleeping longer for naps I finally feel like I have some moments to breath & to spend with your siblings. :)

you are still sleeping in the pak n' play in Mommy & Daddy's room. We really haven't figured out who you are going to bunk with until we move into our new house. :) Because you are still in our room we tend to hear every little movement & cry that you make. Soooo...needless to say, you have been invited into our bed pretty much every night at some point. Most of the times it's Daddy who brings you into bed with us. He's a softie. But now you have been waking up quite consistently at 4:30 am every morning. And it has been taking us a LOT longer to get you back to sleep last night was the 1st night that we decided to let you cry it out. Mommy & Daddy are sleeping in the living room for a couple nights while we readjust you to getting back to sleep on your own. Last night you cried for about 1 hour until you finally gave in & fell back asleep. Mommy hates this part...letting you cry. But I know that it is for the best & will make you a better sleeper in the long run. We have done this for each 1 of your siblings & they are all great sleepers!

you are just about to break through your 4th tooth on the bottom. We can always tell when you are about to get another drool like crazy & sleep poorly at night.

you are rolling all around the room now. You used to love being on your tummy, but are now getting so frustrated by not being able to move & crawl yet. Rolling helps your frustration a little bit. You have to constantly be moved around when you are awake. You last about 10 minutes tops in anything.

you have been sitting up since you were about 5 - 5 1/2 months. You are such a big boy! You are learning to go from sitting up to being on your tummy when you want to reach something.

you sleep on your tummy. You look so sweet all curled up on your tummy. You usually take a pipe to go to sleep, but then you spit it out a couple minutes later. I don't think you'll be too attached to it.

you started eating rice cereal at about 4 months. After a couple weeks you started to show very little interest in it so we started you on baby foods. From the very start you have always eaten a #2 jar of food. Most times I think you would eat way more than that, but Mommy cuts you off after that. :) You are very interested in our food to say the least! You have seemed to tolerate most baby foods, but we have now learned that you do NOT like peas or green beans. You'll eat a couple bites of those & give a very yucky look, & then after that every time we give you a bite you repeatedly gag like you are going to throw up. So...we'll try those again in a couple weeks, but for now we've put those away.

you are starting to go longer in between feedings which is nice. I usually nurse you in the morning around 7 or 8 am. You then have breakfast(baby food fruit mixed with rice cereal) about 1 hour after. Just in the last 2 weeks I have started to give you a bottle for your second feeding. For awhile I pumped milk for that bottle, but now that you are 6 months I am just doing a formula bottle of 8 oz. You then eat lunch if we can get to it & you are interested. Most times you are. :) I then nurse you again around 4 or 5 pm. You eat dinner (baby food veggies) with the rest of the family. And get a 9 oz bottle of formula before bed, usually around 7:30 or 8 pm.

you are quite a vocal little boy! You have learned to screech very loudly when you want to be heard. And boy o boy are you heard! But I don't blame you one bit, you need to have a voice in this noisy family as well! When you see anyone going to the table to eat you start to screech until we put you in your high chair. And if we don't get to you fast enough you get very angry. You like your food to say the least! After you finish your baby food we give you the spoon to chew on.

You have always eaten big bottles. All of your siblings ate a 6 oz bottle most of the times, but you are just getting started at 6 oz & hate to be burped! At night you eat a whopping 9 oz!!!

I love your giant dimples on each cheek when you smile.

you love your bath! You splash & splash away & are constantly moving the entire time. You now take most of your baths in the big bath tub...sometimes with your sissies. Just last night your big sister Kami decided to pour an entire pitcher of water over your head. You were a little shocked, but didn't cry. I'm sure you'll get her back plenty when you get bigger!

your big sisters are ALWAYS rubbing your head every chance they get. Sometimes too much. :) They still love to hold you & talk to you & are so sweet with you(most of the times).

you are still continuing your physical therapy at Mary Free Bed on your torticollis. The therapist is impressed with your development but you still have about 10% weakness on your left side. Mommy takes you every Wednesday at 11 am. It makes for a very busy day taking you downtown. We also continue to do your excercises & stretches at home, as best we can. It's really hard to be consistent with all the goings on of our busy family. And you absolutely hate to do your stretches! And you are very strong, so it is hard for Mommy to do them with you alone. Mommy looks forward to when you are healed from this. :)

at your 6 month appn't you were a big boy: 19 lbs(75-80%) & 28 inches(91%). You are in mostly 9-12 month clothing.

you are very quick to smile & are very ticklish. Everyone in the house loves to hear you giggle when you are being tickled.

you are a very precious part of our family little boy!

Thursday, August 20, 2009

The many faces of Kamryn

Our Kamryn is quite a character. One evening at dinner she was being extra animated, so I pulled out my camera to capture some of her "Kamryn expressions". She might have a future career in acting. :)











O, & please excuse the messy face, it was afterall dinnertime, & there was no way in heck that I was going to edit all of that mess off her face. Well, maybe I thought about it, but now that I have 4 kids I'm smart enough to know that just isn't goint to happen! :)

Breckie boy

To my baby boy:

You are now 5 months old & getting so big already. It seems like just yesterday that you entered into the world & became a part of our family. I try so hard to jot down little tidbits about you so that I will remember how you were later in life. I think that most of them are written down on little slips of paper that I collect & save...maybe someday they will actually all be compiled into a baby book for you! Here are some of the things that make you special, Breckie boy!!

you have been rolling over for at least a month & a half now. You roll very easily from your back to your tummy, & are now rolling all over. You almost never stay on your back.

you love being on your tummy, & have been drawing your knees up to try to move for awhile. You get very frustrated at not being able to go anywhere. You do manage to inch yourself forward a little bit.

for the last couple weeks you have been able to prop yourself up with your hands while sitting up. You are able to sit up for a couple minutes all by yourself!

you continue to move around ALL of the time! You were always very active in my tummy, & continued to be this way since birth. You get bored easily & like to be switched around from toy to toy quite often.

you are very social. You smile so easily & love when people talk to you. Sometimes you will fuss if somebody isn't paying attention to you, & as soon as they talk to you you'll smile & be fine.

Mommy continues to nurse you during the day & you get one 9 oz bottle before bed. You get so excited when you are going to eat, it's so cute. You absolutely will not allow us to burp you until you've eaten about 6 ouces of your bottle, you scream very loudly & arch your back so it's impossible to burp you.

We started you on rice cereal at suppertime when you were a little over 4 months old. You were always hungry, so we decided to try this. Right from the start you scarfed it all down. After a couple weeks you decided that you didn't want rice cereal anymore so we started you on veggies. So far you have tried squash, sweet potatoes, & green beans...& loved them all. You are definitely a big eater already!

You got your first tooth at 4 months old & now have 3 teeth on the bottom. You look so cute when you smile with your little teeth.

Right about the time you started getting your first teeth is when you decided that you would only cat nap during the day. You went from taking 2 3 hour naps to only taking 30 minute naps all day long. This has been very frustrating & tiring for Mommy to say the least! You just don't want to miss out on anything!

You also decided that you would only fall asleep attached to Mommy. Even if you had just eaten an hour before, you would only fall asleep if I nursed you. Then as soon as I laid you down you would wake up. Mommy got smart after a frustrating couple weeks, & tries very hard not to do this anymore! You are very persistent little boy! And loud when you don't get your way! :)

You have the cutest deep dimples on each cheek that are impossible to resist! And you have a great big smile that lights up our life!

You siblings dote on you. Your big brother loves to talk to you & make you smile, & your big sisters love to rub your head & talk so sweetly to you. I have to say that you are very loved & definitely don't lack attention!

your were 16 1/2 lbs & 26 1/4 inches at your 4 months appn't. I believe 78% for weight & 88% for height. Currently I believe that you're at least 18 lbs at 5 months old. You are growing out of everything!!

you love your nightly bath, but it definitely isn't relaxing for Mom or Dad. You thrash around the entire time & kick your legs & splash all around. You love it! And you drench everything around!

In the last 2 weeks you have started to sleep on your tummy at night. It made Mommy a little nervous at first, but after rolling you over a couple nights, you would roll right back over.

You go down for the night at about 9 pm & sleep until about 7 am. Sometimes we have to put your pacifier back in if you are rustling around, & sometimes you even end up in our bed if we're too tired to deal with your crying. You sleep wonderfully then. :)

You have many nicknames: breckie boy, brecka boy, brecks, buddy boy. It's so cute when your sisters refer to you by these names.

you are very ticklish! You have such a wonderful deep giggle that is so contagious.

you have been going to physical therapy for a condition called Torticollis since 4 months old. Mommy has been taking you once a week for an hour long therapy session, & then we have lots of excercises & stretches to do with you during the day. Last week the therapist told Mommy that you were meeting all of your goals & that you would probably only need 1 or 2 more sessions. Mommy was so excited!!! This is definitely an answer to our prayers for you.

you love being outside, especially in your umbrella stroller. This always calms you when you are fussy.

You are a spitty boy, just like your brother was. Mommy has to change your outfit(& hers) a couple times a day. You especially spit when you are on your tummy.

You grab everything in sight. Sometimes we put you in your baby pod up on the kitchen table, but you grab for everything! You also like to grab people's faces/neck, & not so gently either. Sometimes we have to pry your fingers open you have such a tight grip! And many a times somebody in the family has gotten their hair yanked out as well. When you are getting hungry sometimes you will try to eat Mommy's face.

It seems as if I have written a novel, but these are the things that make you YOU. And we love everything little thing about YOU. YOU are a precious, precious gift little one. YOU are loved. YOU are God's child. YOU, Breckie boy, are my sweet little boy, & I love you.